RAYDENT the desk-top solution for dental appliance production in your clinic.

Get yourself ready for new era of digital dentistry.


CT impression scan

A breakthrough innovation in dental 3D scanning methods.
Provide crystal clear outputs superior to optical scanners.
Faster with modeless and plaster-free workflows.


Easy and quick occlusal alignment | Easy and accurate superimposition | Automated separation | Easily separate upper and lower jaw data in triple trays.

Impression STL Data

CT Data

Radiopaque markers shown on the tray, impression STL data and CT data

Step Two : Design

Simple and easy CAD software

RAYDENT designer has tooth design and model builder functionality. Therefore a model is also designed as an optional output during the process.

Step Three : 3D Printing

Fast, accurate 3D printing

Certified biocompatible resin for temporary restoration

The easy 3D printing solution, designed for dental professionals

Materials for 3D printing

RAYDENT offers different type of resins for a wide range of applications. These are also Biocompatible and Water washable (Alcohol free cleaning process).

Guided Implant Surgery

Innovative software for implant planning and guide design (powered by R2GATE™)

Integration and visualisation of all 3D data
Accurate superimposition of the patient CT scan and impression CT scan
Prosthesis driven implant positioning
Different types of surgical guide design (‘Guide design’ or ‘Guide design & 3D printed guide’)

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